Thursday, April 20, 2006

The April Cold

I have been sick all week with a horrible cold. AAAHHHH NO FUN!!

Someone once told me that getting sick means that your body needed a rest. And we have been really busy lately. Working on the fundraising trailers for the film has been really interesting. It is difficult trying to separate myself from the project - trying to maintain some sense of objectivity - and still being close to subject. I have a stack of movies I need to review for the Digital Bits. They have been sitting on my shelf for the last week. We have been swamped trying to get this business off the ground.

I have to say that it is nice being busy with projects that I care about - I have finally made it over the first hurdle.

Something I have learned this week - it's really important to surround yourself with people who believe in you - it's even more important to surround yourself with people that will help you grow as an artist. I feel really good about the people in my circle - I feel that they are pushing me in important ways. I don't feel bad about my abilities - I am excited at the possibility of growth.

I hope my cough goes away soon....

The path is there
for me to see

I know just where
its up to me

I know can walk
with both my feet

I will not balk
or skip a beat

slow and steady
that is the course

I know I'm ready
just use the force........... he he he

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